3 {or 5} Reasons To Love Snow Days

January 22, 2016

Have you ever wondered what we look forward to during these lazy days watching the snow fall outside? I mean kids and grown-ups alike all hope for {a few} snow days! I know I’ve certainly anticipated this first snowstorm of the year! (*If you haven’t, you need to move to the beach ASAP.) This afternoon, I spent some time pondering why I wait impatiently for them each winter. Here are the top 3 reasons why I believe everyone should LOVE snow days {or at least appreciate them for all you Floridians}:

  1. The pace slows down. Have you ever noticed right after the pace speeds up (think: Target or any grocery store right before the storm… or watch this), people start to slow down? They break out their books, hot chocolate, blankets, movies, and comfort foods. Snow provides an unspoken excuse to get out your favorite mug and sit down to enjoy the company of each other… or Netflix reruns…or both.
  2. The pressure to be somewhere or do something significantly drops…well, because more than likely, no one else is doing anything either. The world around us never stops. The proverbial rat race continues. We always have somewhere to be, people to see, or something to do. Productivity MUST NOT STOP…until it snows. And then we have the greatest reason to sit down, put our feet up, and do {that thing you always want to do, but never make time to do}.
  3. God’s beauty and power is on display outside every window. In reality, His beauty and power is always on display, but for whatever reason, snow has a special way of pushing pause on life and allowing us to sit in awe of His handiwork (literally, too!). I mean who or what completely paralyzes the capital of the free world quite like His 0.5 inch dusting over the roads? Who takes takes over every radio and television station with Their plan? I know Who. Sometimes I think God is flexing His muscles when He sends down snow because His love is so gentle, yet so fierce. That’s what the snow represents to me. Snowflakes? They’re delicate and beautiful. Blizzards? They’re strong and unrelenting. exactly like God’s love for us.


A couple extra reasons why snow days are amazing…I couldn’t help but include for fun:

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Here’s to you finding your own way to slow down, enjoy the people (and snacks) around you, and to soak up God’s love through His handiwork!

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