highight reel 2017: digging in and digging deep

January 1, 2018

Per blog tradition, I always enjoy reflecting on the past year and creating an annual highlight reel of our year. It is wildly therapeutic for my little introvert heart. In my 2016 post, I shared that last year was one of momentum. I am endearingly calling this year the year of digging in and digging deep. As a family, we have established some routines, traditions, boundaries, and continue to make our house a home. There have been moments of great success, opportunities to grow, lots of laughing, a few tears of grief, tons of memories, and a genuine appreciation for hard work and perseverance. Our family is incredibly thankful for it all.
Here goes the highlight reel top ten (in no particular order):
1. ​Jeremy and I celebrated our second anniversary atop the Rocky Mountains!
 2. After our trip to the Rockies, we picked up Lilly and flew to surprise Jeremiah for the week in Missouri. It was our first family trip to the mid-West and a jam-packed week that left all of us very grateful for the special time together. We got to see into the everyday life of Jeremiah, eating lunch with him at school, taking him to karate, and having him show us all the hot spots around the area.
3. Some of the best traditions happen naturally. For the past two years, my parents, brother, and our family meet in North Carolina for a week of fun in the sun. We love our beach time, boogie boarding, seafood eating, mini-golfing, card-playing annual catch-up.
4. In August, we celebrated the completion of Jeremy’s Bachelor’s Degree. I could not have been prouder of the way he continues to push towards his career goals, while simultaneously working full time and leading our family.
5. Last month, I finished my fourth semester of graduate school on the way to becoming a Family Nurse Practitioner. Although I am not celebrating the finish line, I have learned along the way to honor the milestones and celebrate the process. All those folks who have worked full time and schooled – my utmost respect. As I walk these two out together, I am constantly challenged and stretched, but most of all humbled to have this opportunity before me and an amazing support network around me. Shoutout to those friends, family, and co-workers who are holding me up and pushing me forward!
This picture was taken on our getaway to celebrate the end of spring semester. 
6. Jeremy and I make a list of “house priorities” each year…which sounds really great, right? Ha. Well, in theory, yes, it is a great idea. However, we rarely mark projects off in order. This year was an exception. We (I’m being generous, mostly Jeremy) made beautiful progress inside our home based on the goals we set for ourselves back in January. My top favorites are our new shutters and bathroom!
7. One of our family goals for 2017 was to begin investing in our “village” by opening up our home more often. This year, we’ve had gatherings to celebrate, grill out, to honor achievements, and just because. We believe that our home can be a vessel for God to use in a multitude of ways and the only way to do it is to open our doors. Some of my very favorite memories from this year are at these get-togethers. There is truly nothing better than authentic community.
8. Marriage is an area that requires consistent investment throughout the year. Jeremy and I have learned to become more intentional about these investments by planning getaways, taking date nights, and asking harder questions to invite more depth to our dialogue.
9. Since moving into our home two years ago, Jeremy and I wanted to be more intentional about embracing the beauty that is right outside our doorstep. We have explored and biked our walking trails, spent evenings outside with our next-door neighbors, watched fireworks from our front porch with friends, trick-or-treated, and stopped the ice cream truck for something yummy. There is a certain flavor of simplicity that I have grown quite fond of these last 365 days. Slowing down and looking around is a gift I want to continue to build upon in 2018.
10. The last, but certainly not the least of my 2017 joys is continuing to walk in the fullness God has opened up for me as a stepmom to both Jeremiah and Lilly. The last three years have not been without their challenges and many (too many to count) of my genuine broken-hearted questions to the Lord. However, learning to love well, without limits, without fear of tomorrow, all for the sanctity of a child is not an opportunity I will ever consider giving up. I have only started to unwrap the gift Jeremy gave me when he chose me to stand beside him at the alter. This year, I ripped another piece of tape off that gift and we will continue running the path set out for our family – with perseverance and faith, believing for wholeness only Jesus can provide. I feel renewed and expectant for our new year as a family and are praying for a blessed 2018 over all of you! Happy New Year!
Photo by @brucieinspired

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